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countermand 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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countermands, 3rd person singular present; countermanding, present participle; countermanded, past tense; countermanded, past participle;
  1. Revoke (an order)
    • - an order to arrest the strike leaders had been countermanded
  2. Cancel an order for (goods)
    • - she decided she had been extravagant and countermanded the cream
  3. Revoke an order issued by (another person)
    • - he was already countermanding her
  4. Declare (voting) invalid
    • - the election commission has countermanded voting on the grounds of intimidation

  1. a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
  2. revoke: cancel officially; "He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"; "vacate a death sentence"
  3. Revocation is the act of recall or annulment. It is the reversal of an act, the recalling of a grant, or the making void of some deed previously existing.
  4. An order to the contrary of a previous one; To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given; To recall a person or unit with such an order