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counterbalance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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counterbalances, plural;
  1. (of a weight) Balance (another weight)

  2. Neutralize or cancel by exerting an opposite influence
    • - the extra cost of mail order may be counterbalanced by its convenience
  1. A weight that balances another weight

  2. A factor having the opposite effect to that of another and so preventing it from exercising a disproportionate influence
    • - his restoration to power was intended as a counterbalance to his rival's influence

  1. counterweight: a weight that balances another weight
  2. compensate: adjust for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
  3. oppose: contrast with equal weight or force
  4. balance: equality of distribution
  5. a compensating equivalent
  6. counteract: oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions; "This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues"
  7. A counterweight is an equivalent counterbalancing weight that balances a load. copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
  8. A weight that is put in opposition to an equal weight so it keeps that in balance; A force or influence that balances, checks or limits an opposite one; To apply weight in order to balance an opposing one; To apply force in order to balance an opposite one; To match or equal in effect, but ...
  9. (Counterbalancing) Refers to any technique used to vary systemically the order of conditions in an experiment to distribute the effects of time of testing (e.g., practice and fatigue) so they are not confounded with the conditions.
  10. (Counterbalancing) Reducing a golf club's swingweight by adding weight to the grip end.
  11. (Counterbalancing) An arrangement of treatment conditions to neutralise practice effects and / or the effects of fatigue, e.g. where group A completes Task 1 followed by Task 2, and group B completes Task 2 followed by Task 1.
  12. (counterbalancing) A process for removing confounding factors by ensuring that they have equal influence on the different conditions of the independent variable, usually by matching values across conditions.
  13. (counterbalancing) Control procedure used in within-subjects designs to control for sequence effects. It is most practical when there is a small number of conditions in the study. ...
  14. (counterbalancing) a technique for controlling order effects by which each condition is presented first to each participant an equal number of times, and each condition occurs an equal number of times at each session.
  15. The adjustable weight mounted at the rear end of the tonearm on a turntable.
  16. refers to a system of hooks and weights used to assist electric streetcars up the portion of Queen Anne Ave N that’s very steep, similar to a cable car. Locals still call that area after that.
  17. To counteract the pull of the sail with your body-weight.
  18. A system of springs or weights to provide the amount of force needed to raise the door and maintain it in the open position.