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counteract 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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counteracted, past participle; counteracts, 3rd person singular present; counteracting, present participle; counteracted, past tense;
  1. Act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it
    • - should we deliberately intervene in the climate system to counteract global warming?

  1. antagonize: act in opposition to
  2. countercheck: oppose or check by a counteraction
  3. oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions; "This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues"
  4. sabotage: destroy property or hinder normal operations; "The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war"
  5. (counteraction) neutralization: action intended to nullify the effects of some previous action
  6. To act in opposition to; to hinder, defeat, or frustrate, by contrary agency or influence; as, to counteract the effect of medicines; to counteract good advice
  7. To oppose the effects of something.