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corniche 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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corniches, plural;
  1. A road cut into the edge of a cliff, esp. one running along a coast

  1. The word corniche typically refers to a road on the side of a cliff or mountain, with the ground rising on one side of the road and falling away on the other. The word comes from the French route à corniche or road on a ledge — which is different from cornice, which comes from Italian.
  2. Corniche is a waterfront promenade corniche in Alexandria, Egypt, a major street which runs along the Eastern Harbour.
  3. A road built alongside a sea, especially one cut into a cliff; A seaside esplanade or promenade; this sense?) A luxury automobile, especially a Rolls-Royce Corniche
  4. seafront. The Doha Corniche is probably the nicest place in Qatar, curving round the bay for several kilometres. Trees provide shade, with grass to lie on and flowers and fountains to look at, and its several play areas should keep the kids entertained.