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corms 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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corms, plural;
  1. A rounded underground storage organ present in plants such as crocuses, gladioli, and cyclamens, consisting of a swollen stem base covered with scale leaves

  1. (corm) solid swollen underground bulb-shaped stem or stem base and serving as a reproductive structure
  2. A corm (or bulbo-tuber, bulbotuber) is a short, vertical, swollen underground plant stem that serves as a storage organ used by some plants to survive winter or other adverse conditions such as summer drought and heat (estivation). ...
  3. (corm) n. an enlarged rounded solid underground stem, filled with nutrients. See illustration.
  4. (Corm) Enlarged, fleshy base of a stem, bulb-like but not solid, in which food accumulates.
  5. (Corm) A bulblike but solid, fleshy underground stem base.
  6. (corm) A thickened stem like structure which grows underground and produces roots, leaves and flowers during the growing season.
  7. (corm) a very short, broad, firm-fleshed, subterranean stem which produces aerial stems, leaves and flowers. adj. cormous
  8. (corm) Short, thick, unbranched, underground stem often surrounded by dry (not fleshy) leaves or leaf bases. (see bulb, stem) (e.g., Muilla maritima)
  9. (corm) A shortened, thickened, underground stem used for food storage and survival during dormancy; compare with bulb.
  10. (CORM) A swollen, underground stem base used for propagation; e.g Crocus.
  11. (CORM) A solid underground part of a stem that most times looks like a small bulb. It has no scales but nourishes the plant and bears roots at the base. Gladiolus and crocosmia are good examples of corms.
  12. (Corm (pl. Corms)) A short solid underground stem with or without scaley leaves. Used by plant for food storage or reproduction.
  13. (Corm) A food-storage organ found in some plants, consisting of a thick, fleshy stem with a papery sheath.
  14. (Corm) A short thick solid food-storing underground stem, sometimes bearing papery scale leaves, as in the crocus or gladiolus.
  15. (Corm) A short vertical underground plant stem that are used as a food storage organ by a dormant plant. Corms are often confused with bulbs. When you cut a corm in half, it is solid. When you cut a true bulb in half, you will see layers. Examples include crocus or gladiolus.
  16. (Corm) A swollen underground stem base composed of solid tissue (unlike the scales of  true bulb).  Crocuses (Crocus) are corms commonly seen in Utah.
  17. (Corm) A type of underground storage root, found at the base of a stem. Most corms are dense and somewhat woody compared to bulbs, rhizomes, or tubers.
  18. (Corm) Dense, underground vertical stem with dry, papery leaf bases, as in Gladiolus.
  19. (Corm) Form of bulb, but made up of swollen stem, not leaves, and therefore lacking the onion-type layers.
  20. (Corm) Often lumped as a bulb, and like a true bulb is an underground stem base, but is solid tissue rather than groups of scales. An example of a corm is freesia.
  21. (Corm) The rounded underground storage organ and stem of plants such as crocus that resemble a bulb.
  22. (Corm) a bulb-shaped, modified and swollen underground stem, in which reserve material is stored; e.g. a Crocus corm.
  23. (Corm) a short, underground stem or bulb, from which flowers and foliage is produced
  24. (corm) A bulblike, underground storage organ often surrounded by a papery covering. Corms are replaced annually.
  25. (corm) Bulb like portion of the stem of a plant consisting of fleshy tissues not in layers like true bulbs. see pictures of corms and true bulbs.