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corky 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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corkiest, superlative; corkier, comparative;
  1. Corklike

  2. (of wine) Corked

  1. corked: (of wine) tainted in flavor by a cork containing excess tannin; "a corked port"
  2. Corky (II) is a female captive orca (or killer whale) from the A5 Pod in British Columbia, Canada. She currently lives at SeaWorld San Diego in California. Corky (II) received her name after the park's original Corky died in December 1970. ...
  3. Of wine, contaminated by a faulty or tainted cork
  4. (Corkiness) A flavor imparted to wine by a defec­tive cork or closure.
  5. (CORKINESS) An unpleasant flavor in a wine that was bottled with a defective cork, usually because there was not a complete seal and outside air was allowed to enter the bottle.
  6. (Corkiness) The description given to a pigeon that is light in weight and in race condition.
  7. A fault caused by an improperly cured cork, which makes the affected wine emit a disagreeable smell.
  8. Active and alert; lively and spirited
  9. A wine that smells and tastes musty or mouldy with the unpleasant qualities of a bad cork. Such a wine is described as "corky" or "corked" due to possible oxidation.
  10. An "off" characteristic in wines due to imperfect corks. Often caused by the chemical compound trichloroanisole or TCA, corkiness is believed to come from fungi that are not detectable on dry corks, or by a cork processed with chlorine. ...
  11. A taste fault suggestive of cork or mildew caused by a defective or damaged cork.
  12. A young and up-beat nerd. He made a cameo in Smorks and had a major role as Yin and Yang's comicle friend in Situation Tragedy.
  13. 1) current Cubs OF Sammy Sosa. 2) reference to attempt to amp up his bat speed after a lengthy stay on the DL by using a corked bat and subsequently having it shatter, along with his reputation. 3) See also Sammy the Clown.
  14. (voiced by Rob Paulsen) - An orange-skinned, male Snork. He works as the Snork Patrol Officer, a dedicated defender of Snorkland and quite a workaholic. He drives a multi-functional submarine, and his home is filled with all kinds of medals he has won for heroic achievements. ...
  15. Gaining the flavor of cork because of the wrong corking or fault cork.
  16. Smell and taste of cork dominates.
  17. dry with age. (King Lear)
  18. a parrot, bought by Mo Harris on Christmas Day 2005. She mistakenly assumed she was buying a cheap turkey for Christmas dinner.