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corespondent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the codefendant charged with adultery with the estranged spouse in a divorce proceeding
  2. a person with whom the respondent is alleged to have committed adultery. The law no longer requires that person to be named as a Co -Respondent in the divorce proceedings.
  3. An individual named in a divorce petition in England and Wales with whom the adulterous party has had sexual intercourse. A co-respondent need not be named unless the petitioner is seeking to claim costs from them.
  4. A person whom one spouse names in court papers as having committed adultery with the other spouse.
  5. The 'other' man or woman, if the petition is based on adultery. Co-respondents are rarely named on the paperwork these days – indeed naming third parties is discouraged.
  6. One of two or more parties against whom a lawsuit is commenced. A person named with others who must answer claims alleged in a bill, petition, or LIBEL in a judicial proceeding. ...
  7. When the respondent puts forward different reasons for the breakdown of the marriage from the petitioner’s, and seeks a divorce on those facts.