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cordage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Cords or ropes, esp. in a ship's rigging,
  1. Cords or ropes, esp. in a ship's rigging

  1. the amount of wood in an area as measured in cords
  2. the ropes in the rigging of a ship
  3. A rope is a length of fibres, twisted or braided together to improve strength for pulling and connecting. It has tensile strength but is too flexible to provide compressive strength (i.e. it can be used for pulling, but not pushing). ...
  4. Rope used in sailing and other outdoor uses.
  5. Static cord used for different climbing applications. See Accessory cord.
  6. Several strands of fiber twisted together; string or rope
  7. String which can be made from a multitude of  natural sources; from nettles and tree barks to roots and tendons. Click for youtube Videos on Willow Cordage.
  8. String, line, rope, twisted or braided, generally refers to small sizes one inch diameter and under.
  9. a collective term used for ropes and lines.
  10. all ropes, lines and small stuff used aboard ship
  11. The general term that covers all rope, cord, lines, and string.