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coracoid 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coracoids, plural;
  1. A short projection from the shoulder blade in mammals, to which part of the biceps is attached

  1. A coracoid is a paired bone which is part of the shoulder assembly in all vertebrates except therian mammals (therians = marsupials and placentals). ...
  2. adjective, Greek korax = a crow, and eidos = shape or form, hence, like a crow's beak.
  3. The process on the scapula bearing this name gets it from its hooked shape. Corax is Greek for raven or crow. If you have read the above section on suffixes, by now you know the significance of –oid. The crow connection is that the anatomical process is thought to resemble the hooked beak of a crow.
  4. Middle and lower section of the pectoral girdle.
  5. a bony process projecting from the scapula toward the sternum. Several ligaments attach to the coracoid, as do the tendons of the coricobrachialis muscle and the short head of the biceps.