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coracle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coracles, plural;
  1. (esp. in Wales and Ireland) A small, round boat made of wickerwork covered with a watertight material, propelled with a paddle

  1. a small rounded boat made of hides stretched over a wicker frame; still used in some parts of Great Britain
  2. The coracle is a small, lightweight boat of the sort traditionally used in Wales but also in parts of Western and South Western England, Ireland (particularly the River Boyne) , and Scotland (particularly the River Spey); the word is also used of similar boats found in India, Vietnam, Iraq and ...
  3. A small boat about as long as wide made like a basket and covered with hides, skins or similar material.
  4. A small boat of wickerwork covered by a watertight material.
  5. a small boat used in Britain from ancient times and made of a frame (as of wicker) covered usually with a hide or tarpaulin.
  6. a small fishing boat of hide on a wicker frame [Welsh normal'>corwgl, from corwg- a frame, boat]
  7. a short, roundish boat of skins or waterproofed canvas stretched over a wood or wicker frame.
  8. A small boat covered with animal skins used by Celts and Goths for ritual practices to be held on the seas.