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copula 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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copulas, plural;
  1. A connecting word, in particular a form of the verb be connecting a subject and complement

  1. an equating verb (such as `be' or `become') that links the subject with the complement of a sentence
  2. In linguistics, a copula (plural: copulae) is a word used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate (a subject complement). The word copula derives from the Latin noun for a link or tie that connects two different things.
  3. With regard to early polyphony the term copula has a variety of meanings. At its most basic level, it can be thought of as the linking of notes together to form a melody. However, it is often considered to be a particular type of polyphonic texture similar to organum, but with modal rhythm. ...
  4. In statistics, a copula is used as a general way of formulating a multivariate distribution in such a way that various general types of dependence can be represented.. ...
  5. a style of Notre-Dame organum in which the top voice is measured (that is, it uses one of the rhythmic modes) but the bottom voice is unmeasured. Related terms: organum purum, discant (2).
  6. a copulative word. See also: copulative.
  7. A copula is a word that combines the subject and its explanation. The verb be is the English copula. The Japanese copula is not a verb.
  8. a connecting word, esp. a form of the verb be
  9. n :  the connecting link between subject and predicate of a proposition. See also linking verb, predicate nominative.
  10. From the Latin word, meaning “to bond", a copula is a statistical measure that links many variables together and has been applied to option pricing and portfolio value-at-risk to help identify various risks to deal with skewed distributions in finance.
  11. A multidimensional distribution function on a hypercube [0,1]^n with uniform marginals. By Sclar theorem any multidimensional dstribution may be represented by superposition of a copula and marginal distributions, thus copula completely describes dependence of components.
  12. One of the parts of speech, signifying an assignment of a value to a name.  The copulas are =. and =: .
  13. Connecting: ser and estar are the copulas, or copular verbs, of Spanish. Copular verbs have complements rather than objects.
  14. is the present tense of the verb to be; connects the subject and predicate. (Study 1)
  15. An equating verb, a linking verb. In English, this is usually a form of the verb "to be." In Greek, this is usually a form of εἰμί.