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copses 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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copses, plural;
  1. A small group of trees

  1. (copse) brush: a dense growth of bushes
  2. (Copse) *Coppice, a tree-pruning practice which produces copses
  3. (copse) A thicket of small trees or shrubs; To trim or cut; To plant and preserve
  4. (Copse) A very small, broad-leaved woodland originally derived from coppicing but now the term is used more widely.
  5. (Copse) a small stand of trees filled with short growth, such as a thicket of brushwood.
  6. (The Copse (pic to come)) On  Station Road, the area behind the cottages at the junction with St Georges Avenue.
  7. (copse) ‘wood managed by coppicing’ (Rackham, ‘Countryside’, p. 97), from Old French copeiz, ‘to cut’, not used in England before thirteenth century (Latham).