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copse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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copses, plural;
  1. A small group of trees

  1. brush: a dense growth of bushes
  2. *Coppice, a tree-pruning practice which produces copses
  3. A thicket of small trees or shrubs; To trim or cut; To plant and preserve
  4. a small stand of trees filled with short growth, such as a thicket of brushwood.
  5. ‘wood managed by coppicing’ (Rackham, ‘Countryside’, p. 97), from Old French copeiz, ‘to cut’, not used in England before thirteenth century (Latham).
  6. A very small, broad-leaved woodland originally derived from coppicing but now the term is used more widely.
  7. On  Station Road, the area behind the cottages at the junction with St Georges Avenue.