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copperplate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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copperplates, plural;
  1. Of or in copperplate writing

  1. A polished copper plate with a design engraved or etched into it

  2. A print made from such a plate

  3. A style of neat, round handwriting, usually slanted and looped, the thick and thin strokes being made by pressure with a flexible metal nib

  1. a graceful style of handwriting based on the writing used on copperplate engravings
  2. a print made from an engraved copperplate
  3. an engraving consisting of a smooth plate of copper that has been etched or engraved
  4. Copperplate is a rather old-fashioned term for prints made by engravings and etchings in printmaking, and still a correct term for the original metal plates used to print them. The sheets of copper, or other metals, are printed by intaglio printing.
  5. Illustrations produced when the original printing plate was engraved on copper; this method was introduced before the end of the 15^th century. They replaced the woodcut, which reappeared later on.
  6. Copper plate refers to an intaglio method of printing text from a metal plate (usually copper) where the letters are engraved into it. ...