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coplanar 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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In the same plane,
  1. In the same plane

  1. lying in the same plane
  2. In geometry, a set of points in space is coplanar if all the points lie in the same geometric plane. For example, three distinct points are always coplanar; but a fourth point or more added in space can exist in another plane, incoplanarly.
  3. Having all elements, features, dimensions or functions existing in one geometric plane.
  4. Any searchcoil configuration in which transmit and receive windings occupy the same level or plane.
  5. Refers to two or more entities that lie on the same plane. Two planar surfaces, for example, that lie on the same 3-dimensional plane are considered coplanar. If these coplanar surfaces share a common edge, it is recommended that they be joined into a single surface.
  6. set of points in E^n, 154