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copiously 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. abundantly: in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"
  2. (copious) large in number or quantity (especially of discourse); "she took copious notes"; "a subject of voluminous legislation"
  3. (copious) ample: affording an abundant supply; "had ample food for the party"; "copious provisions"; "food is plentiful"; "a plenteous grape harvest"; "a rich supply"
  4. (copiousness) abundance: the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply; "an age of abundance"
  5. In a copious manner
  6. (copiousness) The state of being copious
  7. (COPIOUS) Abundant or productive.