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copier 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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copiers, plural;
  1. A machine that makes exact copies of something, esp. documents, video or audio recordings, or software

  1. duplicator: apparatus that makes copies of typed, written or drawn material
  2. A photocopier (also known as a copier or copy machine) is a machine that makes paper copies of documents and other visual images quickly and cheaply. Most current photocopiers use a technology called xerography, a dry process using heat. ...
  3. A machine that copies graphical material; a duplicator; A person who copies documents
  4. Equipment for automatically making separate copies of graphic matter from plain paper originals.
  5. Piece of hardware used to play downloaded game ROMs on a gaming console. The copier connects to the original console, and accepts PC ROM file formats.