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copes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coped, past tense; coped, past participle; copes, 3rd person singular present; coping, present participle;
  1. (in building) Cover (a joint or structure) with a coping

  1. A long, loose cloak worn by a priest or bishop on ceremonial occasions

  2. A thing resembling or likened to a cloak
    • - the bay and the square were a seamless cope

  1. Copes is a surname, and may refer to: * Juan Carlos Copes (born 1931), Tango dancer and choreographer * Parzival Copes (born 1924), Canadian economist
  2. co-ordinated observation and prediction of the earth system
  3. The covering course of a wall, designed to throw water off it, also called capping.
  4. Coordinated Outpatient Education and Intervention Services