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coot 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coot, plural; coots, plural;
  1. An aquatic bird of the rail family, with blackish plumage, lobed feet, and a bill that extends back onto the forehead as a horny shield

  2. A foolish or eccentric person, typically an old man

  1. slate-black slow-flying birds somewhat resembling ducks
  2. Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the rail family Rallidae. They constitute the genus Fulica. Coots have predominantly black plumage, and, unlike many of the rails, they are usually easy to see, often swimming in open water. They are close relatives of the moorhen.
  3. The program Coot (Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit) is used to display and manipulate atomic models of macromolecules, typically of proteins or nucleic acids, using 3D computer graphics. ...
  4. The Coot (GK 310) was the first Icelandic trawler.
  5. Any of various aquatic birds of the genus Fulica that are mainly black with a prominent frontal shield on the forehead; A stupid fellow; a simpleton; A success; something excellent; Body louse
  6. is the common name for any of the medium-sized, duck-like aquatic birds comprising the genus Fulica of the rail family Rallidae, characterized by typically dark plumage, toes that are lobed with a membrane, a dark head with a short, wide beak that in many species extends from the base to the ...
  7. Colby Outdoor Orientation Trip. Before starting classes, freshmen are thrown into the Maine wilderness for a little less than a week.
  8. A man of inferior quality. Usually prefaced by an adjective ( "Silly Coot")
  9. The ancle; a species of water-fowl.
  10. A disrespectful term for an elderly man.