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coos 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cooing, present participle; coos, 3rd person singular present; cooed, past participle; cooed, past tense;
  1. (of a pigeon or dove) Make a soft murmuring sound
    • - ringdoves cooed among the branches
  2. (of a baby) Make a soft murmuring sound similar to this, expressing contentment
    • - he gurgled and cooed in her arms
  3. (of a person) Speak in a soft gentle voice, typically to express affection
    • - I cruised the room, cooing at toddlers
    • - “I knew I could count on you,” she cooed
  1. A soft murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon

  1. (coo) the sound made by a pigeon
  2. (coo) speak softly or lovingly; "The mother who held her baby was cooing softly"
  3. (coo) cry softly, as of pigeons
  4. The Coos are a Native American tribe from the U.S. state of Oregon and one of the three Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians. The live on the southwest Oregon Pacific coast. The Coos language is either extinct or nearly extinct.
  5. (CoO) Cobalt(II) oxide or cobalt monoxide is an inorganic compound that appears as olive-green to red crystals, or as a greyish or black powder. ...
  6. (COO) chief operating officer
  7. (CoO) Certificate of Origin
  8. (COO) The top operational executive at the company who oversees the daily management of the company including personnel and administrative issues.
  9. (COO) Concept of Operations.
  10. (COO) combined obstacle overlay
  11. (Coo) Cow, as in the milk producing domestic animal. You might hear the term “Highlan’ coo” which is the breed of cow found mainly in the Scottish highlands.
  12. (Coo) is a wise and level-headed bird with the ability to fly against strong winds. He carries Kirby with his talons. ...
  13. (Coo) prenounceation of Cow in scotland.  Can be am insult
  14. (Written Cos in the R.V.) A small island, one of the Sporades in the Aegean Sea, in the north-west of Rhodes, off the coast of Caria. Paul on his return from his third missionary journey, passed the night here after sailing from Miletus (Act 21:1). It is now called Stanchio.
  15. Cos, a large and mountainous island off the SW coast of Asia Minor.