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coordinates 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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co-ordinates, 3rd person singular present; co-ordinated, past tense; co-ordinated, past participle; coordinating, present participle; coordinated, past participle; coordinates, 3rd person singular present; coordinated, past tense; co-ordinating, present participle;
  1. Bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony
    • - he had responsibility for coordinating Chicago's transportation services
  2. Negotiate with others in order to work together effectively
    • - you will coordinate with consultants and other departments on a variety of projects
  3. Match or harmonize attractively
    • - the stud fastenings are colored to coordinate with the shirt
    • - a variety of coordinating colors
  4. Form a coordinate bond to (an atom or molecule)
    • - the sodium atom is coordinated to two oxygen atoms
  1. Each of a group of numbers used to indicate the position of a point, line, or plane

  2. Matching items of clothing

  1. (coordinate) a number that identifies a position relative to an axis
  2. (coordinate) of equal importance, rank, or degree
  3. (coordinate) organize: bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?"
  4. (coordinate) bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"
  5. (coordinate) align: bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts"
  6. coordinating(a): serving to connect two grammatical constituents of identical construction; "`and' in `John and Mary' or in `John walked and Mary rode' is a coordinating conjunction; and so is `or' in `will you go or stay?'"
  7. A geographic coordinate system is a coordinate system that enables every location on the Earth to be specified by a set of numbers. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of the numbers represent vertical position, and two or three of the numbers represent horizontal position. ...
  8. (coordinate) A number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure; Something that is equal to another thing; To synchronize (activities); To match (objects, especially clothes); Of the same rank, equal
  9. (coordinate) A point that can be referenced by its position on the x-, y-, or z-axes of a plotter or router. The use of line or arc segments to connect coordinates creates paths for knives orbits to follow when cutting or routing an image.
  10. (Coordinate) To advance systematically an exchange of information among principals who have or may have a need to know certain information in order to carry out their role in a response.
  11. (coordinate) Location of a point in the design plane along the X (horizontal), Y (vertical), and Z (depth [3D only]) axes relative to the global origin.
  12. (COORDINATE) This word has a prefix co-- which means "together" as in cooperate, committee, and copilot. The root ord comes from a Latin word which means "order." The ordinal numbers are written as first, second, third, etc. ...
  13. (Co-ordinate) Numbers representing the position of a point relative to an origin. Cartesian co- ordinates express the location in two or three dimensions as the perpendicular distances from two or three orthogonal axes.
  14. (Coordinate) A single point on a grid having vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) values.
  15. (Coordinate) Combine (through balancing, timing, integrating) the efforts of separate groups to accomplish a specific objective; coordination can be exercised without line authority.
  16. (Coordinate) GPS (Global Positioning System) rely on coordinates which are nothing more than a series of numbers that indicate on which map and in which grid the position displayed is located. Latitude and longitude and UTM eastings and northings are nothing more than coordinates on a grid.
  17. (Coordinate) To act or work together; to unite in producing an effect.
  18. (Coordinate) the ability to spray and breathe in at the same time using a metered dose inhaler.
  19. (Coordinate) to organize or harmonize actions, efforts or people for a common goal or purpose.
  20. (coordinate) A pair of numeric values based on the map axes which are used to define the position of points. A coordinate can be expressed in different units such as X-Y, latitude-longitude, projection units, page units, boundary units, etc.
  21. (coordinate) Linked grammatical elements which have equal status: two clauses may be coordinate (Fui al parque y comí un bocadillo) or one may be subordinate to the other (No dije nada al chico que me preguntó la hora).
  22. (coordinate) an element of the CS domain of an abstract CS.
  23. (coordinate) vt. to organize or integrate (diverse elements) in a harmonious operation
  24. Coordinate terms are words that have the same hypernym .
  25. (Co-Ordinating) that is the all important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work;