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coopted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (Cooptation) A co-option or more often co-optation is an election in which members of a committee (or similar group) vote in order to fill a vacancy on that committee or group. ...
  2. (coöpt) Spelling variant of co-opt
  3. (Co-opt) to take over or adopt, often thereby rendering an oppositional or critical individual or group and their position(s) less potent.
  4. (CO-OPTATION) Being absorbed or assimiliated into a group or into a new ideological perspective. Sometimes the meaning is innocuous, as in “she was co-opted into the central committee”, where it just means that the person was brought into an existing central committee as a new member. ...
  5. (Cooptation) may also refer to the tactic of neutralizing or winning over a minority by assimilating them into the established group or culture. (see Philip Selznick, "TVA and the Grassroots" (1949))
  6. Co-opting something refers to the act of taking over an idea, word or project in such a way that it loses its core meaning or purpose. ...