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cooperated 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cooperated, past tense; cooperates, 3rd person singular present; co-operated, past tense; co-operated, past participle; co-operates, 3rd person singular present; cooperated, past participle; cooperating, present participle; co-operating, present participle;
  1. Act jointly; work toward the same end
    • - the leaders promised to cooperate in ending the civil war
  2. Assist someone or comply with their requests
    • - I was the villain for not cooperating with the FBI

  1. (cooperate) collaborate: work together on a common enterprise of project; "The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well"; "We joined forces with another research group"
  2. (Cooperate) Cooperation, co-operation or coöperation is the process of working or acting together, which can be accomplished by both intentional and non-intentional agents. ...
  3. (cooperate) To work or act together, especially for a common purpose or benefit; To allow for mutual unobstructed action; To function in harmony, side by side; To engage in economic cooperation
  4. (coöperate) Alternative spelling of cooperate
  5. (cooperate) to work or act together
  6. (Cooperate) A standard of practice in real estate in which brokers/agents agree to work together with other brokers/agents, but only in their client's best interest. Under a cooperative arrangement, there is no obligation to share commissions or fees.
  7. (Cooperate) In the standard single-play no communication prisoner's dilemma, actors have a choice between one of two strategies: cooperation or defection. In the standard game, defection is a dominant strategy so actors are not expected to select the cooperation strategy. ...
  8. (Cooperate) The process of helping the other party, going along with their wishes.
  9. (cooperates) with a complementary connector formation at the …