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cooperage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cooperages, plural;
  1. A cooper's business or premises

  2. The making of barrels and casks

  1. Traditionally, a cooper is someone who makes wooden staved vessels of a conical form, of greater length than breadth, bound together with hoops and possessing flat ends or heads. ...
  2. The art or trade of a cooper; The price paid to a cooper for work carried out; The workplace of a cooper
  3. The facility where wine barrels are made.
  4. Common term in general use to describe any container used for aging and storing wine - includes barrels and tanks of all sizes
  5. Any vessel used to serve beer, including kegs, firkins, pins, etc.
  6. The general term used to designate containers where wine is stored and aged. These can be oak casks and stainless steel aging tanks. The term derives from ’Cooper’; one who makes or repairs wooden containers.
  7. a workshop for making and repairing gunpowder barrels.
  8. Refers to the containers used during the aging period of wine; usually wood barrels or caks, but can also be steel or concrete vessels.*
  9. A term that refers to the wooden barrels, vats and containers used in winemaking.  These vary dramatically in size from small barrels to huge vats.  The term can also be used to refer to the shop where a cooper performs his work.
  10. A general term for wooden containers found in wineries that hold juice, must or wine; made by a cooper