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cools 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cools, plural;
  1. Become or cause to become less hot
    • - we dived into the river to cool off
    • - his feelings for her took a long time to cool
    • - cool the pastry for five minutes
  2. Become or cause to become calm or less excited
    • - after I'd cooled off, I realized I was being irrational
    • - George was trying to cool him down
  3. Behave in a less excitable manner
    • - “Cool it and tell me why you're so ecstatic.”
  1. A fairly low temperature
    • - the cool of the night air
  2. A time or place at which the temperature is pleasantly low
    • - the cool of the evening
  3. Calmness; composure
    • - he recovered his cool and then started laughing at us
  4. The quality of being fashionably attractive or impressive
    • - all the cool of high fashion

  1. (cool) neither warm nor very cold; giving relief from heat; "a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drinks"; "a cool breeze"
  2. (cool) the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature; "the cool of early morning"
  3. make cool or cooler; "Chill the food"
  4. (cool) loose heat; "The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm"
  5. (cool) aplomb: great coolness and composure under strain; "keep your cool"
  6. (cool) marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional; "play it cool"; "keep cool"; "stayed coolheaded in the crisis"; "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament"
  7. Cools is a surname, and may refer to: * André Cools (1927-1991), Belgian socialist politician * Anne Cools (born 1943), Canadian social worker * Julien Cools (born 1947), Belgian football player * Samantha Cools (born 1986), Canadian cyclist
  8. (Cool (African philosophy)) While the African continent is vast and its peoples diverse, certain standards of beauty and correctness in artistic expression and physical appearance are held in common among various African societies.
  9. (Cool (Gwen Stefani song)) "Cool" is a song written by Gwen Stefani and Dallas Austin for Stefani's debut solo album, Love. Angel. Music. Baby. (2004). ...
  10. (Cool (Leonard Bernstein song)) "Cool" is a song from the musical West Side Story. Leonard Bernstein composed the music and Stephen Sondheim wrote the lyrics.
  11. (Cool (producer)) Cool & Dre are a team of hip hop producers from Miami, Florida, consisting of Marcello "Cool" Valenzano and Andre "Dre" Christopher Lyon.
  12. (Cool (programming language)) Cool, an acronym for Classroom Object Oriented Language, is a computer programming language designed by Alexander Aiken for use in an undergraduate compiler course project. ...
  13. (cool) (intransitive) To lose heat, to get colder; To make cooler, less warm; Having a slightly low temperature; mildly or pleasantly cold; Allowing or suggesting heat relief; Of a person, not showing emotion, calm and in self-control; Unenthusiastic, lukewarm, skeptical; Calmly audacious; Of ...
  14. (Cool) the style of the early 50s, taken up by many white musicians and popular on college campuses. The basis was bebop, but the fastest tempos were not used and the sound was quiet and understated. Miles Davis was one of the main originators.
  15. (cool) great; interesting; good. (very popular)
  16. Cool is a tonal value that can apply to blonde, brunette, and red shades. A color is said to have "cool tones" if it tends toward blue or violet. Cool colors include platinum blondes, ash browns, and plum reds.
  17. (cool) great, wonderful, or respected
  18. (Cool) Allow hot food to stand at room temperature for a specific amount of time.  Placing hot food on a wire rack will help it to cool more quickly. Stirring mixtures occasionally also will help them cool more quickly and evenly.
  19. (Cool) To remove from heat and let stand at room temperature. When a recipe says, "cool quickly," the food should be chilled or set in a bowl of ice water to quickly reduce its temperature.
  20. (Cool) To let hot food stand at room temperature until it is no longer hot.
  21. (COOL) Consortium of Ontario Libraries. Formally established in 1998, this group has negotiated a number of province-wide licensing agreements on specific electronic resources.
  22. (COOL (C++ Object Oriented Language)) A Microsoft application development tool initiative and language; a predecessor to C#. See C++ and C#.
  23. (COOL) Country of Origin Labeling, a proposal in the 2002 Farm Bill that would require all beef, lamb, pork, fish, perishable agricultural commodities and peanuts to be labeled with where they come from. President Bush has delayed implementation of this provision until 2008.
  24. (COOL) Country of origin labelling.
  25. (COOL) Like kiff and lekker, a universal word that refers to things hip, okay, good and nice. ‘He is cool because he wears funky shades.’ ‘That’s cool.’ ‘We had a cool time at J-Bay.’