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cooing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cooing, present participle; coos, 3rd person singular present; cooed, past participle; cooed, past tense;
  1. (of a pigeon or dove) Make a soft murmuring sound
    • - ringdoves cooed among the branches
  2. (of a baby) Make a soft murmuring sound similar to this, expressing contentment
    • - he gurgled and cooed in her arms
  3. (of a person) Speak in a soft gentle voice, typically to express affection
    • - I cruised the room, cooing at toddlers
    • - “I knew I could count on you,” she cooed

  1. Pigeons make many sounds during courtship, such as "coo-roo-coo-tooo...".
  2. Pre-speech vocalizations that consist largely of vowel sounds that express pleasure and contentment. (e.g.- “Oooooo!” and “Aaaaaaa.”)