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cooees 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Cooee! (IPA /ku:'i:/) is a shout used in Australia, usually in the Bush, to attract attention, find missing people, or indicate one's own location. When done correctly - loudly and shrilly - a call of "cooee" can carry over a considerable distance.
  2. (cooee) A long, loud call used to attract attention when at a distance, mainly done in the Australian bush; To make such a call; Used to attract someone's attention
  3. (Cooee) Definition: Communication method in the bush, when someone is a short distance from you but you can’t see them. Example: "CCOOOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEE!" Said as loud as possible with your hands cupped around your mouth.
  4. (cooee) something you shout out in the bush to get someone's attention, 'not within cooee of here' means not in hearing distance ie a long way away
  5. (Cooee) call for greeting someone at a distance in the bush
  6. (Coo-ee) what old ladies (over 20) would call out instead of ringing a door bell.
  7. (Coo-ee) Bush call which travels over a long distance; used now as a general call of attention and greeting.
  8. (Cooee) A bush yell for when you are lost
  9. (cooee) To make a call of "cooee", originally used by Aborigines, but adopted by white settlers as well. Used especially to communicate over long distances in the bush. From the Daruk word guwi.