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convoked 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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convoked, past participle; convoked, past tense; convoking, present participle; convokes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Call together or summon (an assembly or meeting)
    • - she sent messages convoking a Council of Ministers

  1. (convoke) call together; "The students were convened in the auditorium"
  2. A Convocation (Latin 'calling together', translating the Greek ecclesia) is a group of people formally assembled for a special purpose.
  3. (convoke) To convene, to cause to assemble for a meeting
  4. (Convoke) A keyword ability that reduces how much mana you need to spend to cast a spell. See rule 702.48, "Convoke."
  5. (Convoke) As a spell with convoke is cast, its controller may tap any number of creatures. Each creature tapped reduces the card’s mana cost by 1 colorless mana or 1 mana of the tapped creature’s color. ...