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conveying 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conveyed, past participle; conveyed, past tense; conveying, present participle; conveys, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Transport or carry to a place
    • - pipes were laid to convey water to the house
  2. Make (an idea, impression, or feeling) known or understandable to someone
    • - the real virtues and diversity of America had never been conveyed in the movies
    • - it's impossible to convey how lost I felt
  3. Communicate (a message or information)
    • - Mr. Harvey and his daughter have asked me to convey their very kind regards
  4. Transfer the title to (property)

  1. conveyance: act of transferring property title from one person to another
  2. (Conveyed) The land transferred in fee title.