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conveyance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conveyances, plural;
  1. The action or process of transporting someone or something from one place to another
    • - he was building vessels for the conveyance of live cod
  2. A means of transportation; a vehicle
    • - adventurers attempt the trail using all manner of conveyances, including mountain bikes and motorcycles
  3. The action of making an idea, feeling, or impression known or understandable to someone
    • - art's conveyance of meaning is complicated
  4. The legal process of transferring property from one owner to another
    • - protective measures that might be taken before the conveyance is concluded
  5. A legal document effecting such a process

  1. document effecting a property transfer
  2. the transmission of information
  3. something that serves as a means of transportation
  4. act of transferring property title from one person to another
  5. transportation: the act of moving something from one location to another
  6. Conveyance (foaled 2007 in Kentucky) is an American Thoroughbred racehorse who is currently contending in the Triple Crown series. He is by leading stallion Indian Charlie and out of the broodmare Emptythetill, herself a daughter of American Horse of the Year Holy Bull. ...
  7. An act or instance of conveying; A means of transporting, especially a vehicle; An instrument transferring title of an object from one person or group of persons to another
  8. (Conveyances) Any personal property that you want included in the sale – like appliances – are called conveyances.
  9. A written instrument transferring title to or an interest in land.
  10. Most commonly refers to the transfer of title to property between parties by deed. The term may also include most of the instruments by which an interest in real estate is created, mortgaged or assigned.
  11. The transfer of deed, lease or mortgage.
  12. The transfer of title of property.
  13. The document used to effect a transfer, such as a deed, or mortgage.
  14. The application used to describe the function of a vehicle of transfer.
  15. An instrument by which title is transferred; a deed. Also, the act of transferring title.
  16. The process of transferring title or some interest in real estate to a new owner.
  17. A written agreement used for the transfer of mortgage, charges, or leases etc.
  18. A term used to refer to any document that transfers title to real property. The term is also used in describing the act of transferring.
  19. A written document that transfers title to an asset from one person to another. A deed and an assignment are both conveyances, as is a bill of sale.
  20. The legal process in which ownership of the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer. Generally undertaken by a solicitor, or licensed conveyancer.
  21. The document that transfers the land ownership usually where the title is changing.
  22. The term used to describe the process of transferring the seller’s title to the buyer and indicates all the necessary steps to complete the transfer. A conveyancing lawyer is a lawyer (or notary) responsible for the conveyance process (this is normally the buyer’s lawyer).
  23. a deed which transfers freehold land which is unregistered.
  24. Any vehicle, aircraft or water-borne craft or any other device that is used to move persons or goods.
  25. Refers to the carrying capacity of all or a part of the flood plain. It reflects the quantity and velocity of flood waters. Conveyance is measured in cubic feet per second (CFS). ...