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converges 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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converging, present participle; converged, past tense; converged, past participle; converges, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (of several people or things) Come together from different directions so as eventually to meet
    • - convoys from America and the UK traversed thousands of miles to converge in the Atlantic
    • - two separate people whose lives converge briefly from time to time
  2. Come from different directions and meet at (a place)
    • - half a million sports fans will converge on the capital
  3. (of a number of things) Gradually change so as to become similar or develop something in common
    • - two cultures converged as the French settled Vermont
  4. (of lines) Tend to meet at a point
    • - a pair of lines of longitude are parallel at the equator but converge toward the poles
  5. (of a series) Approximate in the sum of its terms toward a definite limit
    • - the powers of e therefore converge very slowly

  1. (converge) be adjacent or come together; "The lines converge at this point"
  2. (converge) approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
  3. (converge) move or draw together at a certain location; "The crowd converged on the movie star"
  4. (Converge (band)) Converge is an American band from Salem, Massachusetts. Playing a blend of hardcore punk and extreme metal since 1990,. Retrieved on 13 may, 2008. Converge has helped to define many of the elements of the metalcore genre.
  5. (Converge (programming language)) Converge is a dynamic object-oriented programming language with compile-time meta-programming facilities.
  6. (converge) Of two or more entities, to approach each other; to get closer and closer; Of a sequence, to have a limit; Of an iterative process, to reach a stable end point
  7. (CONVERGE) Transport Telematics Support and Consensus - (EC funded project 1996-98)
  8. (Converge(nce)) A derivation converges (and hence results in a well-formed sentence) if the resulting PF-representation contains only phonetic features, and the associated semantic representation contains only (semantically) interpretable features. ...
  9. (Converge) In a perspective drawing, the effect when parallel lines appear to come together in the distance.
  10. (Converge) was also seen as dynamic, but usually involved two continuous objects, as in "the roads converge" or "the light rays converge." Other references involved discrete objects making contact, such as "the footballers converged on the ball. ...
  11. (converge) to move together toward a central point. When light rays from an object converge, they form an image of the object.