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convalescence 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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convalescences, plural;
  1. Time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation
    • - a period of convalescence
    • - I had a long convalescence ahead

  1. gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury
  2. (convalesce) recuperate: get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating"
  3. (convalescent) a person who is recovering from illness
  4. (convalescent) returning to health after illness or debility; "convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed"
  5. Convalescence is the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness. It refers to the later stage of an infectious disease or illness when the patient recovers and returns to normal, but may continue to be a source of infection even if feeling better. ...
  6. (convalesce) To recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness
  7. (Convalescing) Shortening, drawing up of muscle tissue.
  8. This is a term used to describe the period of recovery immediately following discharge from hospital when you are still unable to do every duty of your normal occupation and under regular care from your doctor.
  9. the gradual return to good health after a period or illness or medical treatment
  10. King Salmon Feeds Emperor Penguin
  11. The period of recovery.