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contusion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contusions, plural;
  1. A region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise

  1. bruise: an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration
  2. the action of bruising; "the bruise resulted from a contusion"
  3. A bruise, also called a contusion, is a type of relatively minor hematoma of tissue in which capillaries and sometimes venules are damaged by trauma, allowing blood to seep into the surrounding interstitial tissues. ...
  4. A wound, such as a bruise, in which the skin is not broken; often having broken blood vessels and discolouration
  5. (Contusions) (more commonly known as a bruise) - caused by blunt force trauma that damages tissues under the skin
  6. (contusions) Microscopic or visible hemorrhages into tissue; a bruise. Following head injury, contusions occur more often in frontal and temporal poles of the brain.
  7. (“Contusions”) bruise, superficial injury produced from impact without laceration.
  8. distinct area of swollen brain tissue mixed with blood released from broken blood vessels.
  9. A bruise, an injury of a part without a break in the skin.
  10. edematous brain lesion containing punctuate parenchymal hemorrhages on the surface of the brain that may extend bidirectionally into the white matter and the subdural and subarachnoid spaces; occur at the site of impact (coup contusion) with direct trauma and at a site opposite to the site of ...
  11. Damage to the spinal cord produced by pressure from displaced bone and/or soft tissues or swelling within the spinal canal.
  12. A bruising injury. Spinal cord contusions result in a cavity or hole in the centre of the spinal cord. Myelinated axons typically survive around the perimeter of the spinal cord, and the dura may even remain unaffected by the injury.
  13. An injury to a muscle and tissues caused by a blow from a blunt object, typically resulting in a bruise.
  14. as it applies to the brain, a contusion is a bruise usually caused by a blow to the head
  15. A contusion is basically a deep bruise that is caused by direct impact. In football we generally hear about quadricep (thigh) contusions. Usually, contusions do not sideline an athlet-- if they start to manage the injury immediately.
  16. a bruise caused by a blow to the muscle, tendon, or ligament caused when blood pools around the injury and discolors the skin.
  17. A bruise, often associated with blunt trauma.
  18. [from Latin tundo, to beat]: A traumatic flesh injury which does not break the skin.
  19. damage to the skin and underlying tissues from a blunt injury such as afall; the skin may be scraped and the tissues bruised.
  20. A soft haemorrhage from a blunt trauma.
  21. A form of closed-head injury that produces mild hemorrhaging and associated swelling.
  22. a collection of blood due to broken blood vessels underneath the skin usually caused by trauma. A bruise causes discoloration and swelling in the area.
  23. bruising of the tissues.  Of increased significance within the central nervous system, as nervous tissues are constrained within a fixed space; swelling may occur as a consequence of contusion, resulting in pressure building up and damage to the CNS.
  24. Injury that causes hemorrhage into or beneath the skin.
  25. This is a medical term meaning a bruise.