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contretemps 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contretemps, plural;
  1. An unexpected and unfortunate occurrence
    • - the hotel had to deal with more than one contretemps before the end of the night
  2. A minor dispute or disagreement
    • - she had occasional contretemps with her staff

  1. an awkward clash; "he tried to smooth over his contretemps with the policeman"
  2. An unforeseen, inopportune, or embarrassing event; a hitch; An ill-timed pass
  3. an unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things
  4. contratempo, defined as a single-tempo parry-counterattack.
  5. (French) an inopportune happening causing confusion or embarrrassment; awkward mishap. Here, Gene uses the word to play down the seriousness of Finny's fall.
  6. (kahn-trah-than') Stepping quickly from one direction to another.
  7. Counter beating. A compound step consisting of coupè dessous, chasse efface en avant, fermè, temps levè and chasse passé croisè en avant. It is a very useful step for traveling to the side.