- conflict: go against, as of rules and laws; "He ran afoul of the law"; "This behavior conflicts with our rules"
- contradict: deny the truth of
- (contravention) dispute: coming into conflict with
- The term Contravention is used in French, Swiss and Australian law. The act of contravening can be: opposition; obstruction; transgression; violation.
- To act contrary to an order, or fail to conform to a regulation; To deny the truth of something
- (Contravention) A breach of one or more traffic or parking controls.
- (Contravention) A term of French law meaning an act violative of a law, a treaty, or an agreement made between parties; a breach of law punishable by a fine of fifteen francs or less and by an imprisonment of three days or less. In the U.S. ...
- (Contravention) Outlines in writing the potential penalty that would be applied should a regulation be broken or contravened. There are 349 in the current draft of the AMPS Master Penalty Document.
- (Contravention) when a court finds a party has not complied with (followed) a court order, that party is in contravention of (or has breached) the order.
- go against - 41 misses