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contraries 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contraries, plural;
  1. The opposite
    • - the magazine has proved that the contrary is true
  2. A contrary proposition

  1. unwanted pieces of materials which have become embedded in a sheet of paper.
  2. A pair of categorical propositions which (provided that we assume existential import) cannot both be true, but can both be false. In the traditional square of opposition, an A proposition and its corresponding E are contraries. ...
  3. Materials unsuitable for papermaking, present in some raw materials and waste paper.
  4. Unsuitable material found in the components of a paper furnish, which must be removed from the pulp stock before making it into paper- for example paperclips, string, plastics, or shives.
  5. are two propositions which cannot be both true together, but could be both false. (Study 2)
  6. Unwanted materials in a waste stream.