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contralto 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contraltos, plural;
  1. The lowest female singing voice
    • - she sang in a high contralto
  2. A singer with such a voice

  3. A part written for such a voice

  1. alto: of or being the lowest female voice
  2. a woman singer having a contralto voice
  3. Contralto is the deepest female classical singing voice, with the lowest tessitura, falling between tenor and mezzo-soprano. ...
  4. the lowest of the female voice-types, this is an extremely rare bird and true contralto roles are few and far between. They include Erda in Der Ring des Nibelungen, Fidés in Le Prophete by Meyerbeer, Ulrica (Un ballo in maschera) and Katisha in The Mikado. ...
  5. A female singer who has the lowest tessitura of all the female voices typically in the range between the F below middle C (F3) to two F's above middle C (F5). For an example of a contralto role listen to Angiolina in La Cenerentola by Rossini.
  6. (It.) (kŏhn-trăhl'tŏh). The deeper of the two main divisions of women's or boys' voices, the soprano being the higher; also called alto.
  7. low female voice; same as alto