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contralateral 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Relating to or denoting the side of the body opposite to that on which a particular structure or condition occurs,
  1. Relating to or denoting the side of the body opposite to that on which a particular structure or condition occurs
    • - the symptom develops in the hand contralateral to the lesion

  1. on or relating to the opposite side (of the body)
  2. Standard anatomical terms of location are employed in science which deal with the anatomy of animals to avoid ambiguities which might otherwise arise. They are not language-specific, and thus require no translation. ...
  3. (contralaterally) In a contralateral manner
  4. occurring on or acting in conjunction with a part on the opposite side of the body <the brain cortex controls con-tra-lat-er-al muscles>
  5. Opposite side. [Click Here to Return to List]
  6. Latin contra = against, latus = side, hence, the opposite side (as opposed to ipsilateral)
  7. "the opposite side". For example, "the right latissimus dorsi works in conjunction with the "contralateral" - or left - gluteus maximus."
  8. Refers to the side opposite of the injured or missing limb.
  9. Occurring or appearing on the opposite side (contra-, oppo-site; lateral, side); often used for describing the crossed pattern of sensory and motor connections between the physiological structures of the body and those of the brain (cf. ipsilateral)