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contraindications 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (contraindication) (medicine) a reason that makes it inadvisable to prescribe a particular drug or employ a particular procedure or treatment
  2. A contraindication (pronounced as contra-indication) is a condition or factor that speaks against a certain measure. ...
  3. (contraindicated) Not appropriate for—the opposite of indicated
  4. (Contraindicated) Disadvantageous, perhaps dangerous; a treatment that should not be used in certain individuals or conditions due to risks. For instance, a drug may be contraindicated for pregnant women and people with high blood pressure. Such individuals should not be involved in the study.
  5. (Contraindication) A specific situation in which a particulartreatment should NOT be used, because it may be harmful to the patient.For example, some anti-HIV drugs are primarily broken down by the liverand should not be given to people who have liver damage.
  6. (Contraindication) a specific circumstance when the use of certain treatments could be harmful.
  7. (Contraindication) A factor or medical condition that increases the risk of side effects to a medication or other medical intervention in a particular patient.
  8. (Contraindication) A condition that makes a treatment not helpful or even harmful.
  9. (CONTRAINDICATION) Any number of factors that makes it unwise to pursue a certain line of treatment. Relfexologist will chose not work on a client if contraindications such as recent foot surgery, edemna, sprains and contagious and infectious diseases at are percieved.
  10. (Contra-indication) A term denoting conditions not to use a certain herb or formula.
  11. (Contraindication) A condition you have which makes a particular drug or treatment inadvisable or dangerous. For example, you shouldn't take decongestants if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure.
  12. (Contraindication) A written warning against giving people with certain medical conditions or allergies that shot.
  13. (Contraindication) An activity thtat should not be performed in general exercise classes.
  14. (Contraindication) Any factor that makes a certain line of treatment inappropriate or detrimental. For example, a person allergic to penicillin should not be treated with antibiotics derived from Penicillium.
  15. (Contraindication) Any medical reason why a person should avoid body piercing, such as having a compromised immune system, having heart valve problems or being pregnant at the time of piercing.  [top]
  16. (Contraindication) This refers to any medical condition or circumstance involving an individual's health history or current health status, which would make it inadvisable for an individual to be immunized with any of the available preparations of a vaccine. (See Section III and Appendices G and H.)
  17. (Contraindication) a factor that renders the administration of a drug or device or the carrying out of a medical procedure inadvisable.
  18. Any symptom or circumstance, such as substance abuse, emotional health issues, or other health conditions, that causes a healthcare professional to not recommend a treatment.
  19. Any symptom or situation that might put you at increased risk for an otherwise recommended treatment, or situations where the risks are greater than the benefits that would be gained from surgery. ...
  20. factors which might make a particular treatment ineffective or dangerous. These could include alcoholism, asthma, depression, pregnancy or serious injury.
  21. any symptom or circumstance that makes treatment with a drug or device unsafe or inappropriate
  22. A list of reasons why you cannot use a particular unit. Note: One list may not apply to all machines. Some are safer.
  23. the reasons for not using a particular treatment, usually because it will be made worse.
  24. Any factor of a patient's condition that makes it unwise to take a specific medication.
  25. Milk thistle is considered safe for use during pregnancy and has a long history of use by nursing women.16 People with diabetes who are taking Milk Thistle should carefully monitor their blood glucose and may require reduction in standard antihyperglycemic agents.