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contradicts 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contradicted, past tense; contradicted, past participle; contradicting, present participle; contradicts, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Deny the truth of (a statement), esp. by asserting the opposite
    • - the survey appears to contradict the industry's claims
    • - he did not contradict what he said last week
  2. Assert the opposite of a statement made by (someone)
    • - he did not contradict her but just said nothing
    • - within five minutes he had contradicted himself twice
  3. Be in conflict with
    • - that evaporation seems to contradict one of the most fundamental principles of physics

  1. (contradict) be in contradiction with
  2. (contradict) deny the truth of
  3. (contradict) oppose: be resistant to; "The board opposed his motion"
  4. (contradict) negate: prove negative; show to be false
  5. (contradiction) opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas
  6. (Contradiction) In classical logic, a contradiction consists of a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions. It occurs when the propositions, taken together, yield two conclusions which form the logical, usually opposite inversions of each other. ...
  7. (Contradiction (album)) Contradiction is the 11th album by The Ohio Players, and the 4th album recorded for Mercury. The music was not as ballad heavy as Honey, but it did expand on the mixture of funk, soul, and rock that they played with on that album. ...
  8. (contradict) to express the opposite; to be contrary
  9. (contradict) (v) örеşdirirgе, tеŋlеşdirib körürgе
  10. (contradict) v.  say sth that conflicts with by (sb), suggesting that the person is mistaken or not telling the truth
  11. to contradict means that things disagree with each other in the details and/or general facts and ideas.
  12. (CONTRADICTION) "Two statements which cannot both be true because one denies the other." (35, Warburton 96)
  13. (Contradiction) (1) The conjunction of any proposition and its negation, (2) in truth-functional propositional logic, the negation of any tautology, hence any proposition that is false in every row of its truth table or in every interpretation. See contingency; tautology.
  14. (contradiction) One of the basic laws of logic which says that "A cannot be non-A." Any two propositions, theories, ideas, beings, substances, conditions, events, etc. are said to be contradictory when to affirm one is to deny the other, or to deny one is to affirm the other. ...
  15. (contradiction). A term for the articulation of a practice (q.v.) into the complex whole of the social formation (q.v.). Contradictions may be antagonistic or non-antagonistic according to whether their state of overdetermination (q.v. ...
  16. A contradiction is an equation that implies that a false sentence is true.
  17. A contradiction occurs when one asserts two mutually exclusive propositions, such as, "Abortion is wrong and abortion is not wrong." Since a claim and its contradictory cannot both be true, one of them must be false. ...