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contractual 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Agreed in a contract,
  1. Agreed in a contract
    • - a contractual obligation
  2. Having similar characteristics to a contract
    • - the contractual nature of the shareholder's rights

  1. relating to or part of a binding legal agreement; "contractual obligations"
  2. (contractually) by virtue of a contract; "they were contractually responsible"
  3. In law, a contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties which, if it contains the elements of a valid legal agreement, is enforceable by law or by binding arbitration. A legally enforceable contract is an exchange of promises with specific legal remedies for breach. ...
  4. Of or pertaining to a contract
  5. (Contracts) The legal documents needed to transfer the ownership of property.
  6. (Contracts) A written legal agreement between the seller and buyer.
  7. (CONTRACTS) All investigative work done must be under written contract as required by law.  The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), has reviewed and approved Charlestowne's contract format. ...
  8. (CONTRACTS) TA therapists work contractually, that is the make agreements about what specific outcome the client desires. Typical contracts are getting over depression or getting rid of my headaches, or stop abusing alcohol, or earning a decent living, or getting good grades. ...
  9. (Contracts) $2.4 billion/6 years
  10. (Contracts) Agreement, Appendix, Clause, Herein, party, stipulate, terms
  11. (Contracts) Agreements between two entities, creating an enforceable obligation to do, or to refrain from doing, a particular thing.
  12. (Contracts) An agreement between the teacher and the student.  The teacher grants certain freedoms and choices of how the student will complete tasks, and the student agrees to use the freedoms appropriately in designing and completing work.
  13. (Contracts) Legal documentation detailing terms and extent of sale.
  14. (Contracts) Legal instruments by which Federal agencies obtain services or materials from the private sector.
  15. (Contracts) Long-term agreements for the supply of electrical capacity and/or energy under specified terms and conditions. Such agreements may be of a duration as short as six months or as long as 25 years.
  16. (Contracts) The stage in buying and selling when both the buyer and the seller are legally committed to the deal (also known as “Exchange of Contracts”).
  17. (Contracts) We declare that all our sales contracts are ruled by the present general condition of sale, of which clients are made aware by means of catalogs and commercial documents. The present conditions are considered accepted lacking different agreements, carried out by written notice. ...
  18. (Contracts) We must explain that the contract between you (the customer) and Health Harvest City Church is legally bound by these terms and conditions when payment has been received by Harvest City Church.
  19. (Contracts) When placing an order with SimplyPens, you are making an offer to purchase the goods contained within that order. We reserve the right to accept or decline your order.
  20. (Contracts) Where a Contract has been made covering delivery by instalments, each separate instalment shall be deemed to be the subject of a separate Contract and the purchaser will not be allowed to repudiate the Contract because of the delay or non-delivery of any instalment. ...
  21. (Contracts) an oral or written agreement, between multiple parties, that obliges one or more parties to do or not do a certain deed
  22. (Contracts) can be formulated by unilateral promise or bilateral agreement. The English requirement for consideration does not apply in Scotland, so it is possible to have a gratuitous contract where all the obligations are on one side.
  23. (Contracts) sale and/or purchase agreements.
  24. (Contracts) signed under duress are voidable and, in some circumstances, you cannot be convicted of a crime if you can prove that you were forced or threatened into committing the crime (although this defence may not be available for serious crimes).
  25. (D. CONTRACTS) A legal instrument used by government agencies and other organizations for the procurement of goods or services. It may also be used by the federal government to acquire property or services ultimately intended for public use.