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contraction 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contractions, plural;
  1. The process of becoming smaller
    • - the general contraction of the industry did further damage to morale
  2. The process in which a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter
    • - neurons control the contraction of muscles
    • - repeat the exercise, holding each contraction for one second
  3. A shortening of the uterine muscles occurring at intervals before and during childbirth

  4. A word or group of words resulting from shortening an original form
    • - “goodbye” is a contraction of “God be with you.”
  5. The process of shortening a word by combination or elision

  1. (physiology) a shortening or tensing of a part or organ (especially of a muscle or muscle fiber)
  2. compression: the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; "the contraction of a gas on cooling"
  3. a word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds; "`won't' is a contraction of `will not'"; "`o'clock' is a contraction of `of the clock'"
  4. the act of decreasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope
  5. In medicine (obstetrics), a contraction is a motion of the uterus as part of the process of childbirth. Contractions, and labour in general, is one condition that releases the hormone oxytocin into the body. Contractions become longer as labour intensifies.
  6. In economics, a recession is a business cycle contraction, a general slowdown in economic activity over a period of time. During recessions, many macroeconomic indicators vary in a similar way. ...
  7. In mathematics, a contraction mapping, or contraction, on a metric space (M,d) is a function f from M to itself, with the property that there is some real number such that for all x and y in M,
  8. A contraction is the shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission of internal letters. In traditional grammar, contraction can denote the formation of a new word from one word or a group of words, for example, by elision. ...
  9. In graph theory, an edge contraction is an operation which removes an edge from a graph while simultaneously merging together the two vertices it previously connected. Edge contraction is a fundamental operation in the theory of graph minors. ...
  10. In operator theory, a bounded operator T: X → Y between normed vector spaces X and Y is said to be a contraction if its operator norm ||T|| ≤ 1. Every bounded operator becomes a contraction after suitable scaling. ...
  11. A reversible reduction in size; A period of economic decline or negative growth; A shortening of a muscle when it is used; A strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth; A shortened word or phrase, with the missing letters represented by an ...
  12. (Contractions) The tightening and shortening of the uterine muscles during labor causing the dilation of the cervix and contributing to the descent of the baby.
  13. (Contractions) during the birthing process, a woman’s uterus tightens, or contracts. Contractions can be strong and regular (meaning that they can happen every 5 minutes, every 3 minutes, and so on) during labor until the baby is delivered. ...
  14. (contractions (labor pains)) Tightening of the uterus to expel the baby; contractions become stronger and more frequent as labor progresses
  15. (Contractions) The shortening of a written or spoken expression by the omission of one or more letters or sounds, as can’t for cannot.
  16. Avoid contractions unless important for warmth, eg We're here to help is warmer than We are here to help.
  17. is the act of shortening that takes place when muscle fibers generate tension. Muscle contraction of the biceps occurs when the elbow is bent.
  18. the contraction rule says that when two occurrences of a formula are present in a sequent, one of them can be eliminated. ...
  19. The shedding of the leaves at the onset of the dormant period.
  20. A shortened form of a word (eg: intel) or group of words (eg: milpers), or a compound created by shortings (eg: ampersand). ...
  21. The volume change occurring in metals (except antimony and bismuth) and alloys on solidification and cooling to room temperature.
  22. A mutation in which the child has fewer copies of a certain codon in a gene than either of the parents. In Huntington’s disease, a contraction occurs when the child has fewer copies of the CAG codon in the Huntington gene than either of the parents. Contractions are the opposite of expansions.
  23. The shrinkage and spontaneous closing that takes place in open skin wounds. Contraction pulls normal tissue into the open area to achieve coverage.
  24. (kuhn-TRAK-shuhn) — When the muscles of your uterus get tight and then relax. Contractions help push your baby out of your uterus.
  25. on FAQs page, referring to genetic mutation, or abnormailty, becoming smaller as it passes to offspring; happens rarely in myotonic dystrophy