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contractility 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the capability or quality of shrinking or contracting, especially by muscle fibers and even some other forms of living matter
  2. (contractile) capable of contracting or being contracted; "the contractile wings of an insect"
  3. Myocardial contractility is the intrinsic ability of the heart to contract independent of preload and afterload. Changes in the ability to produce force during contraction result from different degrees of binding between myosin (thick) and actin (thin) filaments. ...
  4. The condition of being able to contract or shrink (used especially of muscles); The extent to which something contracts or shrinks; A term used in physiology to describe the performance of cardiac muscle
  5. is related to the rate of shortening of myocardial fibers in time during mechanical systole, encompassing both the isovolumic and the ejection phase. ...
  6. Capacity of a muscle fiber to undergo shortening.
  7. Capacity for becoming short in response to a suitable stimulus.
  8. A medical word for the stretchiness of muscle fibers. Muscles are designed to be able to stretch out and contract back. The heart walls are actually made of muscle with the property of contractility. ...