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contracted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contracted, past participle; contracted, past tense; contracts, 3rd person singular present; contracting, present participle;
  1. Decrease in size, number, or range
    • - glass contracts as it cools
  2. (of a muscle) Become shorter or tighter in order to effect movement of part of the body
    • - the heart is a muscle that contracts about seventy times a minute
    • - then contract your lower abdominal muscles
  3. Shorten (a word or phrase) by combination or elision
    • - “quasistellar objects” was soon contracted to “quasar.”
  4. Enter into a formal and legally binding agreement
    • - the local authority will contract with a wide range of agencies to provide services
  5. Secure specified rights or undertake specified obligations in a formal and legally binding agreement
    • - a buyer may contract for the right to withhold payment
    • - the paper had contracted to publish extracts from the diaries
  6. Impose an obligation on (someone) to do something by means of a formal agreement
    • - health authorities contract a hospital to treat a specific number of patients
  7. Arrange for work to be done by another organization
    • - local authorities will have to contract out waste management
  8. Formally enter into (a marriage)
    • - before Fanny met him, he had contracted a disastrous liaison and marriage
  9. Enter into (a friendship or other relationship)
    • - the patterns of social relationships contracted by men and women differ
  10. Catch or develop (a disease or infectious agent)
    • - three people contracted a killer virus
  11. Become liable to pay (a debt)
    • - he contracted a debt of $3,300

  1. reduced in size or pulled together; "the contracted pupils of her eyes"
  2. Arranged by contract; established by agreement; Made smaller by contraction; Incurred; acquired
  3. (contractee) A party to a contract; The party to a construction contract who is not the contractor; frequently the owner
  4. betrothed, and in Scotland legally equivalent to marriage; consent being legally enough, and the public ceremony of marriage being introduced in order to make so important a contract known, though not essential to it ; see Stair.
  5. Reduced in width or length.
  6. narrowed or shortened