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contraception 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. The major forms of artificial contraception are: barrier methods, of which the commonest is the condom; the contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic sex hormones that prevent ovulation in the female; intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent the fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus; and male or female sterilization,
  1. The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. The major forms of artificial contraception are: barrier methods, of which the commonest is the condom; the contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic sex hormones that prevent ovulation in the female; intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent the fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus; and male or female sterilization

  1. birth control by the use of devices (diaphragm or intrauterine device or condom) or drugs or surgery
  2. (contraceptive) an agent or device intended to prevent conception
  3. Birth control is a regimen of one or more actions, devices, sexual practices, or medications followed in order to deliberately prevent or reduce the likelihood of pregnancy or childbirth. ...
  4. the use of a device or procedure to prevent conception as a result of sexual activity
  5. A contraceptive is a method of preventing pregnancy, e.g. the “pill”, which contains female sex hormones (estrogens and progestogens). The “pill” is also thought to be a trigger for familial estrogen-exacerbated angioedema, or “HAE Type III”.
  6. (Contraceptives) Birth control pills (combinations of estrogen and progesterone) are often prescribed for hormonal acne; the estrogen helps suppress the androgens produced by the ovaries. ...
  7. The prevention of conception.
  8. Contraception is any means of preventing pregnancy. It is advocated for use by women who cannot or do not choose to stop consuming alcohol while pregnant in order to prevent FASD.
  9. (kahn-truh-SEP-shuhn) — See birth control.
  10. Deliberate use of methods to prevent conception or pregnancy. Also known as family planning.
  11. Methods of avoiding conception (becoming pregnant). May also be known as "birth control" or "family planning". Particular devises, such as birth control pills, patches, intrauterine devices and condoms, are often referred to as "contraceptives".
  12. (birth control) - a variety of methods used to prevent pregnancy.
  13. Any method or device which prevents a woman from falling pregnant. The oral contraceptive pill, condoms, cervical cap, diaphragms and IUDs are all forms of contraception.
  14. 70% of females and males of reproductive age group use one form of birth control or the other. Newer techniques, like the patch, and the Nuva ring have been widely accepted and the options keep increasing.
  15. The prevention of the union of the male's sperm with the female's egg.
  16. (L, contra, against; concipere, to take in) is a process, device or intervention whose action is solely to prevent the unification of sperm and the secondary oocyte, commonly referred to as an ovum.(9)
  17. Drugs, devices or surgical procedures which prevent pregnancy.
  18. Deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation using methods such as oral drugs, injectable drugs, implants, diaphragms.
  19. Methods used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. (Birth Control Pill, patch, injection, sponge, male condom, female condom, vaginal ring, diaphragm, spermicide, intra-uterine system, intra-uterine device) More permanent methods include a vasectomy or tubal ligation.
  20. Ways to prevent pregnancy. Some forms of contraception prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), fertilization (meeting of egg and sperm) or implantation of the embryo into the uterine lining. Birth control pills, condoms, and diaphrams are some examples of contraception.
  21. voluntary prevention of fertilization or implantation of a fertilized egg
  22. in patients with kidney diseases may need particular care. Further information