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contorted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contorted, past participle; contorts, 3rd person singular present; contorting, present participle; contorted, past tense;
  1. Twist or bend out of its normal shape
    • - a spasm of pain contorted his face
    • - her face contorted with anger
    • - contorted limbs
    • - a contorted version of the truth

  1. twisted (especially as in pain or struggle); "his mad contorted smile"; "writhed lips"; "my writhen features"- Walter scott
  2. Contortion (sometimes contortionism) is an unusual form of physical display which involves the dramatic bending and flexing of the human body. Contortion is often part of acrobatics and circus acts. ...
  3. twisted; a form of imbricate aestivation in which each segment has one edge overlapping the next segment. Fig.11 E.
  4. twisted into a strange shape or expression
  5. twisted back on itself; distorted.