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continued 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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continued, past tense; continues, 3rd person singular present; continued, past participle; continuing, present participle;
  1. Persist in an activity or process
    • - he was unable to continue with his job
    • - prices continued to fall during April
  2. Remain in existence or operation
    • - discussions continued throughout the year
  3. Carry on with (something that one has begun)
    • - I continued my stroll
    • - he asked for their continued support
  4. Remain in a specified position or state
    • - they have indicated their willingness to continue in office
    • - the weather continued warm and pleasant
  5. Carry on traveling in the same direction
    • - he hummed to himself as they continued northward
  6. (of a road, river, etc.) Extend farther in the same direction
    • - the main path continued through a tunnel
  7. Recommence or resume after interruption
    • - we continue the story from the point reached in Chapter 1
    • - the trial continues tomorrow
  8. Carry on speaking after a pause or interruption
    • - I told him he was obstructing the inquiry and he let me continue
  9. Postpone or adjourn (a legal proceeding)
    • - the case was continued without a finding until August 2

  1. without stop or interruption; "to insure the continued success of the war"; "the continued existence of nationalism"; "the continued popularity of Westerns"
  2. (continuing) remaining in force or being carried on without letup; "the act provided a continuing annual appropriation"; "the continuing struggle to put food on the table"
  3. (continuing) chronic: of long duration; "chronic money problems"
  4. Continued was the second album released by Tony Joe White. It was released on Monument Records and contained the single Roosevelt and Ira Lee It was recorded at Monument Studios, Nashville and Lyn-Lou Studios, Memphis in 1969. ...
  5. (Continuing) Non-Credit courses offered to the community for personal development and interest.
  6. (Continuing) A staff member's effective substantive appointment usually lasts until retirement.
  7. (continuing) auditor is the auditor of the current year who also audited the financial statements of the client for the previous year.
  8. Continuing employment is for work of an ongoing nature with continued funding to support the position. ...
  9. Indicates continuing speech when interrupted by descriptive, no longer used.
  10. sustained, perseverance, perpetual, sanctioning, enduring, on-going, unrelenting, extended
  11. Used at the beginning and end of a screenplay page. However fashion has changed and it isn't used in screenplays anymore.
  12. One of three things that may happen to your case after your interview (granted, denied, or continued). If your case is continued, it is put on hold until you or USCIS (INS) takes further action. ...
  13. Postponed, or put off to a later date.
  14. Metalgreymon2008 3 years ago