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continuance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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continuances, plural;
  1. The state of remaining in existence or operation
    • - his interests encouraged him to favor the continuance of war
  2. The time for which a situation or action lasts
    • - the trademarks shall be used only during the continuance of this agreement
  3. The state of remaining in a particular position or condition
    • - the king's ministers depended on his favor for their continuance in office
  4. A postponement or adjournment
    • - if this man's testimony is important, I will grant a continuance

  1. the act of continuing an activity without interruption
  2. duration: the period of time during which something continues
  3. In the American judicial system, a continuance is the postponement of a hearing, trial, or other scheduled court proceeding at the request of either or both parties in the dispute, or by the judge without consulting them. ...
  4. Continuance is a 1999 album by jazz fusion band Greetings From Mercury. It was recorded live at , Ghent, Belgium.
  5. The action of continuing; (law) An order issued by a court granting a postponement of a legal proceeding for a set period
  6. A continuance basically means that the foreclosure sale date can be moved to another date. Now, this can only happen through the lender or attorney’s choosing, not the property owner facing foreclosure. A continuance can be pushed up to one year’s time, but no longer.
  7. A court order postponing proceedings.
  8. A delay or postponement of a court hearing.
  9. The adjournment or postponement of an action pending in a court to a future date. (see Adjournment; compare Recess)
  10. The personnel action used to document that an employee has received a waiver from mandatory retirement or the extension of the not-to-exceed date of a previous waiver. ...
  11. To continue a matter, hearing, or trial to another time.
  12. The continued hearing of an application or trial following a partial hearing at an earlier date. See “Adjournment.”
  13. A request by a Plaintiff, Defendant, or attorneys in a case, made to re-schedule a hearing or trial for cause.
  14. The Foreclosure Sale Date may be continued at the request of the lender or its attorney, or it may be continued by the Public Trustee, for legally-defined reasons. ...
  15. A continuance is when the court decides to postpone or delay a hearing or trial that was scheduled. When a party wants the court to postpone or delay a hearing they can request a continuance.
  16. This term refers to postponing or rescheduling a case or court session until another date or time. In some jurisdictions, this is called an “adjournment. ...
  17. An order by the court putting something off until a later date. Cases on the call docket are typically continued until a specific date about a month away. ↑
  18. When a court hearing is delayed and rescheduled.
  19. A delay of a scheduled session of a court.
  20. an adjournment of a case from one day to another or to a later hour of the same day.
  21. deleting the case to a different date. Usually party requesting the continuance must have a very good reason.
  22. Life after death. The energy that survives physical mortality.
  23. In its most common usage, a continuance is a postponement of a hearing or trial from a set or scheduled date to another date.
  24. Commonly referred to as life-after-death; survival of the psyche after the biological organism which had generated it no longer exists.
  25. A request to postpone a court date.