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contextually 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in a manner dependent on context
  2. (contextual) relating to or determined by or in context; "contextual information"
  3. (contextuality) The condition of being contextual; The extent to which something is contextual
  4. (Contextual) Is surrounded by a lot of other buildings the architect couldn’t tear down.
  5. (Contextual) In the study of logic, an observed fact dependent upon other facts not being observed. Or a statement which is conditionally true, provided other unmentioned conditions have the appropriate state. As opposed to absolute.
  6. (Contextual) sensitive to the cultural and historical context.
  7. (Contextual) the contributing factors in the situation.
  8. A contextual parameter is used to specify values that apply specifically to the satellite that will execute a script.