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contextualize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contextualised, past tense; contextualizing, present participle; contextualises, 3rd person singular present; contextualising, present participle; contextualizes, 3rd person singular present; contextualized, past tense; contextualized, past participle; contextualised, past participle;
  1. Place or study in context
    • - the book contextualizes Melville's short fiction and poetry

  1. Contextualization may refer to: * Contextualization (Bible translation), the process of contextualising the biblical message as perceived in the missionary mandate originated by Jesus * Contextualization (sociolinguistics), the use of language and discourse to signal relevant aspects of an ...
  2. To place something or someone in a particular context
  3. (Contextualization) Placing the target language in a realistic setting, so as to be meaningful to the student.
  4. (Contextualization) Adapting something (a biblical concept, mission method, etc.) to make it understood within the context of an ethnic culture.
  5. (Contextualization) A method of analyzing the Bible which attempts to differentiate between the meaning of the text and "the cultural and historical context in which it is given. ...
  6. (Contextualization) Instructors make sense of theoretical material by applying it to situations in either the real world or another academic context. Examples of this might be amortizing a mortgage, selecting the best cell phone plan, writing letters of application, and writing research papers. ...
  7. (Contextualization) The mingling of one man's beliefs with another system of beliefs, usually to make proselyting easier. Example: A Christian missionary favorably quoting the Koran to get access to a Muslim's mind, so as to go on to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ...
  8. (Contextualization) This scaffold creates a clear experiential environment that familiarizes new, unknown concepts and throws light on them. Visualizations, focus questions, and use of manipulatives are all helpful. ...
  9. (Contextualization) presentation of information to a reader or listener as part of a context and not in isolation. This term can be used when vocabulary and grammar are taught for a communicative purpose rather than for their own sake.
  10. (Contextualization) putting new acquired vocabulary words into sentences or phrases  to help you remember them.
  11. (Contextualization) the process whereby the Christian message is made relevant and meaningful in a given culture or context.
  12. (Contextualizing) Understanding or explaining how something fits within a larger set of circumstances.
  13. to put a word or activity, particularly a new one, into a familiar context.